Wednesday, March 28, 2007


One of my interests in developing this book is to get feedback from student,educators/designers on the content as it develops.
We often struggle with ways to bring more writing into the classroom and ways to inspire students to develop stronger writing skills. To that end, I will be posting questions and content over the next 6 months to provide a forum for discussion. Thanks for your participation.

1 comment:

Slow Motion Frenzy said...

I support your idea for a book that discusses the inclusion of writing in a design education curriculum. The recent results of a Graduating Student Survey administered by our University revealed that the students who graduated from our College (a college of visual arts, performing arts and design) did not feel that they were adequately trained to write during their undergraduate study. A debate ensued, passing blame on to the role of public schools and the general elective course requirements at our university. In the Department of Design we require all students to make professional presentations at the end of their design projects. We believe this will get them habituated to dressing and conducting themselves professionally upon graduation. We also require them to write a one page statement with the concept of their project and rationale for their design decisions. I am happy to share these statements with you.